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Stay tuned here for Summer Intensive registration!
If your child has a developmental or learning disability...
Steel Magic Northwest recognizes that music can be a valuable tool for children with certain types of learning disabilities, such as autism. We strive to be as inclusive as possible in our enrollment in accordance with the goals of our organization. Given the nature of our activity, we are not equipped to handle children with moderate to severe developmental or emotional disabilities, or children prone to outbursts or other unpredictable behaviors, or children who are incapable of learning the proper, somewhat delicate touch the instruments require. This activity requires a basic level of hand-eye coordination, muscle memory, the ability to memorize some passages of music, and attentiveness to the director.
If, through prior musical experience, your child has demonstrated musical aptitude and the ability to memorize, and if they have developed a strong connection to music and are capable of maintaining focus for the one hour class, we would be happy to have them as part of our class! Please contact us prior to registration to familiarize us with your child's disability and discuss what your child's limitations are and what is needed to accommodate them.
Thank you.
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