For all parents and adult participants:
Refunds: Steel Magic Northwest is not in the position to be able to refund payments. We have worked to keep the time commitment and tuition down so that as many participants as possible can try out the program for a reasonable length of time to see if they enjoy it. New participants should give the program at least a few months, including a performance, before deciding whether to continue or not. We do not issue refunds for missed rehearsals due to other activities.
Media: It is necessary for Steel Magic Northwest to maintain public visibility and to publicize and promote the program throughout the community. Therefore, photographic images, video, and audio taken from rehearsals and performances may be made public in the effort to share what we are all about. Parents of participants, and adult participants are asked to sign a photo/video/audio release form. You have our assurance that names and other personal information about the participants will remain confidential and not be publicized without authorization. If you wish yourself or your child to not be shown in media, please let us know and we will make every reasonable effort to filter content as needed.
Attendance: Please review our attendance policy HERE.
For parents of youth participants:
Transportation and pick-up time: We know that transporting your children to and from after school activities can be time-consuming and burdensome, and we respect the time and effort parents put forth to get their children where they need to go on time. Steel Magic Northwest does not provide transportation to and from rehearsals. By paying the tuition, you agree to arrange for your child's transportation to classes on time (as early as 15 minutes before the rehearsal starts), and you agree to arrange for the child to be picked up before the final pick-up time for each class (15 minutes after the rehearsal has ended). Due to insurance limitations, Steel Magic Northwest cannot coordinate carpools; but connecting with other parents is a good way to build relationships that can result in future carpooling opportunities.
Each rehearsal has a 10-15–minute pre-class open time for socializing and individual practice, and a 10-15-minute after-class open time for additional practice or socializing. You may drop your child off as much as 15 minutes prior to a rehearsal, or pick them up as late as 15 minutes after the rehearsal has ended. By registering, you agree to pay an additional fee to Steel Magic Northwest if you are late picking up your child (requiring staff to remain past closing hours). Parents are welcome to stay on premises during rehearsals, but there may or may not be a separate space available for you that is insulated from the sound of the group.
Behavior/disciplinary: In addition to regular attendance, Steel Magic Northwest is based on RESPECT: respect for the instruments, respect for the instructor, respect for fellow students and parents and the value of their time. Steel Magic Northwest reserves the right to deal with behavioral issues as needed in each given situation. This may involve requesting a conference with parents. In extreme cases, we reserve the right to expel participants from our program without refund.
Our youth program is 100% alcohol, tobacco, and drug free. Use or possession of these substances while a member of one of our youth groups is grounds for expulsion from our program. We are also 100% bullying free. Instances of bullying will be dealt with accordingly.
Disrcimination: Steel Magic Northwest is an inclusive family-based organization, and does not discriminate based on race, nationality, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or gender identity.